Tuesday 23 August 2011

New Scampenstein Blog

I've started a new blog for my Scampenstein feature animation project. Click the image to go there.

The original poster was created for me by talented Birmingham artist Andy Baker.

Monday 15 August 2011

Two Awards for Dwarf Vampire short

Press Release

Jazz Virk and Brendan O'Neill of Birmingham based indie film production team Film Division are delighted that the pro bono project they did to help growth disabled student Carsum Din has now received 2 awards.

The 8 minute film Wilhelm the Dwarf Vampire which was shot at historic Aston Hall in just 1 day received Best Overall Media Production Coventry University and Best Degree Show Media Production Coventry University 2011.

Producer Brendan O'Neill commented:

"We're delighted for Carsum and hoping that the film will now do well on the festival circuit. I'm told that Carsum has now received interview offers from various places and even the offer of an acting role from a Pinewood based production company so we're doubly pleased to have been able to help.

I'd like to thank all the cast and crew for giving up their time to help with special thanks to Gurminder Kenth and her staff at Aston Hall and Stewart Addison of Pannyhire (www.Pannyhire.co.uk) for providing the camera equipment."

The film starred starred George Appleby (Being Human, Fanatic) alongside Coventry based actress Joanne Ryan with Birmingham based Sezer Unver and Dean Bamford in supporting roles.

Pictures Courtesy of Adam Hale Photography (http://www.adamhale.co.uk)

Saturday 13 August 2011

Awarded place on Producer Mentoring Scheme :-)

I've recently been awarded one of only ten places on a regional Producer Mentoring Scheme run by Screen West Midlands and Producers' Forum West Midlands. This means I will be receiving mentoring from established producer Rachel Robey of Wellington Films in Nottingham.

Rachel and her partner Al Clarke are responsible for critically acclaimed films such as Paul Andrew Williams' London to Brighton and Duane Hopkins' Better Things - co produced by Sam Hailley.
The Terrible O'Neill Twins?
In other news my twin Gerard and I had some acting headshots done by my friend and collaborator stills photographer Adam Hale. Our acting/extra career has been in the doldrums since our debut back in 2006 so we're hoping these headshots can revive it.

Cant' find an NHS dentist?
Finally I'm delighted to announce that our long awaited screening of recent Film Division work will take place on 18th August from 9pm at the Spotted Dog public house in Digbeth, Birmingham.

Its a cast and crew screening but other filmmakers and writers are welcome to attend. Please RSVP via the Facebook event page to give me an idea of numbers.