Thursday, 19 April 2012

Update: Stickleback Productions back in the swim

Stickleback Productions

I have now decided to pursue solo interests for the time being back under my Stickleback Productions shingle following the production of Film Division's Around Again - a really excellent entry for the London Sci-Fi Society 48 hour filmmaking competition 2012.

Here are some pics from the shoot. Film Division's best ever in terms of production value.
Cast and Crew in the Bunker Scenes shot on Saturday 14th April at The Old Print Works, Birmingham

Clapperboard: Around Again.

Our mate Dean Bamford showing Adam Lawrence whats what.

Local sound production warlord Billy Bannister stands in as a wounded French soldier. Props supremo Craig joins in the fun.

Doesn't look like Hopwood!

My pals Paul Woolley and Craig Morton enjoying a laugh between takes.

The SS charge through the pyrotechnics!

The car is the star! The Citroen Traction Avant we used courtesy of Jim Fox (

Matt Harper from Trinity FX blows up a big one. (

Me with everything under control (Don't panic. Don't panic)

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